Dogs make great pets and companions and this is why they are often referred to as man's best friend. Owning a dog can be a very fulfilling experience but in order for your experience to be pleasant, you should try to find the right dog for you. There are many things you should consider when choosing a dog and here are a few of them.
First of all you have to decide whether you want a purebred dog or a mixed breed. Both have their pros and cons. One of the benefits of choosing a pure bred puppy is that you know what to expect in terms of size and temperament. Deciding to buy a purebred dog means you can spend some time researching the breed you want and become more acquainted with certain breed characteristics such as trainability and suitability with children etc. This puts you in a better position to choose a dog that is best suited to your lifestyle.
Each dog has an individual personality and choosing a breed of dog that is known for its sociability and friendliness is not an iron clad guarantee that the individual you choose will be friendly.
Knowing the requirements of a particular breed can help you determine if the dog requires professional grooming and training or not. Long haired breeds are higher maintenance than their shorter haired counterparts and this should also be taken into consideration.
You should also try to choose a dog whose activity levels are suited to yours. If you're a couch potato and just want a dog to relax around the house with, there are certain breeds of dogs that don't require a lot of exercise, however if you'd like a dog to go hiking and jogging with you, you should choose a breed that has stamina.
If you have children an important factor to bear in mind is that you should choose a breed that is known for its suitability with children. Some breeds of dogs are known for being good family dogs whereas others aren't as well suited for family environments. Some dogs bond with only one human and these aren't good pets for households containing children.
If you are considering getting a mixed breed dog then finding the right personality may not be as easy as with mixed breed dogs you don't really know what to expect. However an advantage mixed breeds have over purebred dogs is that they tend to be more physically sound and hardy in comparison to purebreds as they have a wider gene pool.
Doing the proper research before getting a dog greatly increases your chance of getting the right dog for you. The right dog can give you many years of happiness and companionship, just as having the wrong dog can result in both you and the dog being unhappy. Make sure you can commit to taking care of a dog for the duration of its life before bringing it into your home.
About the Author
Amber Contant, from,submitted this article. Go to Pet-Super-Store for an impressive assortment of dog beds.